Well, the Denver Post has finally come out against a tax increase. You might think that this blogger would be happy about it, but you would be wrong.
It isn't that the Denver Post is against raising the taxes that would be raised in 52. They have already promoted raising those same taxes in 58. Why would they support 58 and not 52, you ask. They provide the answer:
...58, wisely, is a statute, not a constitutional amendment. That allows its formulas to change if future conditions require.
58 and 59 are both parts of a giant Denver Post shell game where the voters are asked over and over again to raise taxes for some favored project. The moneys are then diverted, as the moneys for Ref C were diverted, and the process begins again with the same projects being used over and over as wedge issues for ever higher taxes.
52 stops the shell game by putting the destination of the money in the state Constitution. I don't really like 52 either, but I'm tired of the shell game.