Mark Udall spokesman and staffer Absurdicus is getting really upset. We have a rule here, and have had it for many months. We don't publish comments whose authors won't identify themselves unless we want to.
Tonight, he claims to be just like us.
...bloggers write under assumed blognames or pseudonyms just like many of those at SchaffervUdall and almost every other site in the blogosphere.
Not quite. With the exception of one blogger, every conservative blogger this author knows about writes under one screen name. All of them, except that one, are quite open about their real identities. Someone doing a reasonable amount of searching could likely identify them all.
This author goes out of his way to be identifiable. You will note that we use "a watcher" everywhere we write. The day before the Colorado Index began publishing, we handed out 150 flyers with our name, address, phone number, URL, and our screen name. Our name was never a secret. We requested that people not put it on the internet, a request most people honor.
You aren't "just like" us. We have a level of ethics that you can't touch.
When you try to use two different screen names to pretend that you are two different people, you cross an ethical line. You've crossed so many ethical lines before that you likely didn't notice. How many screen names do you have? Are they all as deceptive as the two you have accidently revealed?
Your tactics are the tactics of a coward. You've told so many lies that you are like the little boy who cried wolf. Now, you want us to believe that you are not paid, not a Mark Udall staffer. What makes that statement more truthful than any of the others you tell? Are we to believe that Absurdicus is not a Mark Udall staffer but truthteller is? Is it the other way around? Do each of your separate personalities seek therapy?
We wrote earlier that your tactics mirror Taylor West's tactics of piously telling the press that the Mark Udall campaign is above name calling while she, Mike Melanson, and Mark Udall each freely do the name calling. In effect, Taylor West has a dual personality, when you think about it. We see no evidence that you are not, in at least one of your personalities, a Mark Udall staffer and a lot of evidence that you probably are an insider.
Now you see why blogging is so much fun.
For those of you who got lured here by the title, we apologize. We're having some fun at the expense of a Mark Udall partisan (and very possibly a staffer) who practices deception, but needs more practice, if you gather our meaning.
And do follow the schaffervudall link above. It is a Big Blue Lie Machine post.