We think that Bill Ritter is very likely a one term Governor. He doesn't seem capable of foreseeing the likely outcomes of his actions, a shortcoming that gets him in trouble at least weekly, and in serious trouble monthly.
The Aspen Times and others are reporting on his latest Global Warming executive order.
Gov. Bill Ritter wants to force big polluters to report their greenhouse gas emissions and draw up a plan to reduce emissions from cars to meet his goal of cutting the state's overall emissions by 20 percent by 2020.
Ritter signed an executive order Tuesday directing the state health department to start drafting the regulations in the next 24 months, one of three orders he issued fleshing out the climate change plan he released last fall. The order also says that the state needs to evaluate whether the state should allow any new conventional coal-fired power plants to be built and asks the department to make recommendations on alternatives within the next year.
Much will happen in the next 24 months. Global warming may well be recognized for the hoax that it is. The "scientific consensus" claim will all most certainly fall out of the argument if it isn't already gone.
Most notably, this is April of an election year. In 24 months, it will be April of another election year, inconveniently only six months before Bill Ritter stands for reelection. The product of this executive order is going to be very distasteful to the voters. It can't help but be.
A smart politician would have adjusted the timing to avoid the election year pain. No one inside his party or out has accused Bill Ritter of being smart. He does have a nice smile, though. If you can't be smart, try to be pretty.