Schaffer v Udall Some Days are Diamonds We know that Mark Udall is always on the lookout for new and fine sounding green fuel mandates.
Schaffer v Udall Randy isn't Running, but... His arguments make no sense and are inconsistent, even within his own paper
Ritter Watch Ritter Transportation Panel Calls for More Taxes This is starting to sound like a tired theme. I don't know about your middle-class family, but all these proposals alone would take a significant chunk out of my household budget. Is this what Coloradans voted for when they elected Ritter to be governor in 2006?
Rocky Mountain Politics National Convention Parties won't miss a beat So we now have just one more piece of cosmetic reform that will make sure the money continues to flow!
Rossputin Tuesday personal and political thoughts I'm writing this on Monday afternoon in the hospital, but I hope to be discharged later today and might be home by the time you read this.
Slapstick Politics Maj. Andrew Olmsted Spared Insurgents, Drew Sniper Fire
Slapstick Politics Election '08--Colorado's Bloggers Analyze Iowa, Critique The Debates, And Back Their Favorite GOP Candidates For the first week of 2008, the conservative blogosphere in Colorado has issued prognostications, offered analysis, and revealed who they think the frontrunners are (or should be).
Mount Virtus The New Face The State for 2008 Get ready for a fast-paced political ride in 2008!
Mount Virtus Paul Wrong on Civil War: Dittos Here I’ve had a recent exchange with Snaggle-Tooth Jones over some historical issues of contemporary political significance
Mount Virtus Huck Yes, But Romney No? Why Clay? I’m curious to know these things
Mount Virtus Get the President's Ear on Earmark Reform
Gang of Four Granite-Solid Predictions There's something that seems lacking in a from-a-distance, by-the-numbers analysis, sort of like looking at a profitable company and failing to notice that their CFO and CEO have both resigned to spend more time with their money families.
Gang of Four NH: Obamomentum & Romney Rebound My hunch for the New Hampshire primary outcome tomorrow night is Barack by a mile and Mitt by a nose. If it does turn out that way, the reasons will interlock. Here's how:
Gang of Four Refighting the Civil War And in the end, this debate isn't really about the Civil War, is it? It's about the current War against the Jihadis. Because if the Civil War was optional, then pretty much any war is.
Face the State Political Cartoon
A Line of Sight Beauprez in Iowa
Colorado Charter Schools Educating Students With Special Needs The CHIME school provides a co-teaching model where there is both a general education and Special Education certified teacher in the classroom.
Colorado Charter Schools School Choice and Open Enrollment Many school districts in the state have their Open Enrollment window this month. I recommend signing up your kids in more than one school if more than one school interests you. Then when you're notified of an opening, you at least have the option
Best Destiny The Comedy Stylings of Ed Perlmutter Every once in a while I get a full-color, glossy mailing from the office of Ed Perlmutter (D-CO7). Invariably, these are a source of great amusement to me. The one I received over the weekend is no different
Backbone America Eve of NH: Reagan forsaken? Rumors of Mrs. Clinton’s demise are greatly exaggerated
Comment: OK, so we can't spell "Janurary." If only spell checkers reached into the title. Oh Well!